Sunday, February 15, 2009


I think i have met a few people who asked me if one became a Christian, is he free from all troubles and problems? Of course the answer is no because the Lord has promised us we will definitely have to face times of trials and persucation. Then these people replied and say, "Then become Christian for what?"

Actually, what they are saying is what is there to gain by being a Christian? I often ask them what they want. Usually, its alot of money. Some would say peace of mind. Other would say a life free of worries and stress.

These are all valid reasons. Everyone wants that! But that is only if you think that the life you have in this world is all there is to it. But as Christians, we know that life on earth is only temporary. Jesus already told us in the Bible that this life is only temporary. The pernament one is eternal life, which is given to all who believe in Jesus and what He has done for us. I am not saying that these views are wrong. Not at all! In fact, God wants us to have all these and more.

If you look at King David or King Solomon, God blessed them both with honour, riches and power. The reason was that their hearts were with the Lord, always seeking Him and obeying Him. Everything they did was for the Lord and God blessed everything they did. When God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon replied that he wanted wisdom, so that he can govern his people and be a good ruler. God gave him that as well as riches and power which he could have asked but did not. God sees the hearts of men, not the great or wonderful things we do.

God knows the value of our souls and He knows what is best for us. Recently, i have had some difficulty in work and personal life and i wondered if the reason was that i had not been a good Christian. While sometimes, God reveal our mistakes, other times, its just His Will. Its sometimes difficult to understand things when we have no idea what God has planned for us. But Jesus tells us that if we believe in Him and in God, then surely we must believe that God loves us so much and that He wants only the best for us.

I struggled previously with this issue. I wanted answers but i think the Holy Spirit prompted with this answer, which is to trust and obey. When i stopped questioning and became humble, the Lord showed me His Grace, mercy and love.

In the Bible, Jesus told his disciples that He would give them His peace. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27)

I think i know the areas of my life which needs to be committed to the Lord. I was always apprehensive to leave it to the Lord certain areas or things in my life. These are the important things that i hold tightly and i struggle to surrender it to God. But Jesus reminded me again that God loves us so very much. Even the sparrows, who neither reap or sow, yet God feeds them, how much more valuable are we than the sparrows? God is the creator of the universe. Who better than to commit your burdens to? God loves us all. He demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus to give us the gift of salvation.

Praise God!

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
In earth as it is in Heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us for our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours,
Now and forever.


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