Friday, March 23, 2007

Its Friday!

Today over lunch, someone commented on something interesting. The question is "What does BIBLE stand for?"

The answer is "Basic Information Before Leaving Earth". I found that very interesting.

As i look back at myself one year ago, i know for sure that i have changed. I have changed alot and sometimes, i can hardly believe how i used to live my life. Not that it was bad or anything, but it was not the kind of lifestyle that i would want to live, actually. I could not see it then but looking back, i could see i have strayed off the path and unto rocky roads by the side. What alarms me is not my lifestyle but how i failed to see what was wrong with how i was living each day.

I like to blog at times cos it gives a chance for people who know me to understand me a little more (if they want to lar) and i just enjoy the opportunity to say what's on my mind! of course i have to be a little tactful when it comes to situations but nevertheless, i try to give the truth as best as i can. =)

That's how i hope to live my life! Transparent for all to see and as truthfully as i can. Its not easy in this day and age and even more difficult in the workplace. I was wondering why no job description in the market today has this for a creteria "Must wear mask to work everyday" Or maybe its a given fact cos i see everyone putting on a mask everyday at work. Well, i too! Yup, i know i do at times and i always felt gutted afterwards! I always hated to wear a mask to work! But the truth be told, if you do not wear a mask, u are probably never going to climb very far. I think it is true. Really! if not, why are so many people wearing different masks every day?

So, i am trying not to wear masks to work or anywhere if possible. I am going to give it a try! The reason why i am doing this is because i feel its so meaningless and pointless not to be yourself! Not to mention very tiring! haha =P I think people tire themselves out from wearing masks than anything else. Its difficult being someone you are not! I know that cos i too have been wearing masks in the past. I will not even start on playing politics...haha....that one even more cheem! lol!

Guess my perspective of life is different! I thank God for His Grace! I know He cares and provides for us. Its sometimes difficult to understand or see how good our Lord is but He just is. I do not claim to understand it all the time but i always remember very strongly a message God told me and that is to Trust and Obey! I still struggle here and there but not as bad as previously.

I wonder to myself why am i an oddball? It seems i am so different from everyone else. I see people getting all worked up over work, deadlines, meetings etc and while i understand the importance, i wondered why are they placing so much emphasis on them? It was like if the work is not done, deadlines are not met or meetings not chaired, your whole life is wasted. So it is THAT important and it is why it is RIGHT for them to get so worked up!!!!! When i mean worked up, i mean they scream at people, be difficult, rude etc etc.

So my question is "Is that so?" Really ar? it's that important huh? Well, i guess to some the answer is YES! hee hee! Well, i think most people would say yes.

I am not trying to change anyone's view of anything. In fact, i sometimes ask myself if i am just being plain lazy and that i am hiding behind all these reasons(excuses) for not wanting to work harder and work longer. haha! I dunno leh ! But I dun think i am leh. I too like my work to be of high quality and it gives me a sense of accomplishment as well. I too have been brought up to always strive for the best. If u reach your goal, set another one and aim higher and higher! Maybe its Singapore's culture ba! Kiasuism too strong. We are all afraid to lose out! I feel there is so much more to life than chasing the coporate ladder! So so so so so much more! =)

Haiz....see, now u can understand why i am the oddball! I think rather differently from others. Sometimes too differently.

I wonder does it matter if u earn 10k a month but you do not know the Lord? Does it matter if u are a millionaire but u have not known Jesus? Do u think anything matters if you do not know God?

Anyway, that's my thought for today!

Give thanks to God! He met us halfway by sending His only begotten son so that if anyone of us believe in Him, we will not perish but will have everlasting life! God loves us. I think your life would make a world of difference if you know who God is. I really think so! =)

Praise God!



At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Blogger chitter-chatter said...

i dont understand why you think you are an oddball just becoz you feel you are different from others. have it ever occur to you that others could be different from you and hence they are the oddballs? haha...

having said that, i think that everyone is made differently. so it doesnt mean that someone who puts emphasis in work is any less worthy than someone who puts emphasis on rest. people value things differently. and there is no right or no wrong. it's not strange or bizarre.

striving to do your best can also be a way to glorify god. it doesnt mean that striving to do your best is always unscrupulous or via underhanded means or always wanting to be at the top. or that it is always meaningless. i love god and hence i want to do my best in whatever he has entrusted me with and i want to take care of whatever he has given to me. god calls us to be good stewards, didnt he?

and "doing your best" itself means different thing to individuals.

to you, you may choose the process rather than the result. to others, results are impt.

and when the process or the results do not meet one's expectation, ppl react diferently too.

we term it the coping skills. to you, it may not trigger a reaction. but to someone else who is emotional, the only coping skill he knows could be to verbally ventilate or to cry it out? others may recoil or yet even pound the walls.

hence, my earlier hypothesis: everyone is made differently.

there is nothing unusual just because others do not conform to your personal perception. i dont see how oddball that is.

i wonder if i'm making sense.

anyway, at 347pm... you should be at work and not blogging! =P

At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Blogger Tippy said...

haha, its a rare Friday afternoon with work all done.(eeek! no, not slacking, just a rare moment of freedom)

Yup, fair enuff comment. Everyone is made differently i guess. That is why some people are pastors and vicars. I always admire them cos i feel they are really walking so closely with God. Some would say they have the calling to do so and rightly correct. Still, i am in awe of them.

At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thks for the comments here, i get to know and learn to see what others views are now. It does makes lots of sense here.

At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Blogger chitter-chatter said...

was re-reading the part about wearing masks at work... if you think about it from a diffferent perspective, is it that bad to wear a mask?

suppose someone screws up a big project... your natural reaction is to blow up or hit the roof. but you tell yourself, no dont do it. what is done is done. let it go. and you turn and smile at your colleague who screwed up the big project and tell him everything is alright. dont worry. but deep in your heart you wonder if you made a mistake letting him handle the project.

is that not wearing a mask?

i think what i'm trying to say is... there is goodness in everything... one's man meat is another man's poison. what you deem odd or unusual may not seem that bizarre or unacceptable to someone else.

At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Blogger Tippy said...

Hardly a mask, my dear! =)Forgiveness is a reflection of God's own forgivness to a underserving world! Your initial reaction of anger and hatred is a reflection of your human side or worldly side. We are still of flesh and that is why there is always the tug of war! Thus, your forgiveness is a reflection of your spirtual nature. =)

At Friday, 23 March, 2007 , Blogger chitter-chatter said...

so it's a mask of god's forgiveness.

i dont think if i can forgive that person it is based on my own strength. coz like you said, it's human nature to be angry initially.

anyway that wasnt what i was talking about. what i meant was that at that point of time when we are let down and that very instant we decide to let it go, sometimes the feeling of unjust or resentment still lingers. but yet we say "it's ok" and somehow that bitter feeling is still there... maybe after 10sec, or 10 mins or 10days it will be gone but still, at that very moment with the bitterness still in the heart and one says "it's ok"... isnt that also putting on a mask? (and if you must insist... isnt a mask of god's forgiveness still a mask??)

and here i dont mean it is a bad mask (esp if it is a mask of god's forgiveness).

if wearing a mask metaphorically means that ppl dont mean what they say or do things that are besides themselves, then when a person chooses to make another person feel better while dealing with his own ill feelings a little later is wearing a mask, even if it is a mask of god's forgiveness.


At Sunday, 25 March, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

to me wearing a mask means not able to be yourself in the office. When you are being yourself, you are being judge as 'this or that'. So all together, just keep to yourself - wearing a masks.

Can be torturing and tiring!



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