How close is your walk?
Well, after Eureka session tonight, i went home, thinking about what we learnt today. Eureka course in my Church is smiliar to that of Alpha Course where new Christians and non believers gather to listen and get to know about who Jesus is. I was helping to facilitate and to help answer questions that the new Christians and non believers might have.
Well, in truth, i always thought i benefitted alot from this as i myself feel strengthened by the Word of God. I had a long thought about my earlier blog i had posted this afternoon and about what we discussed in Eureka. Here is what i concluded:
I believe that our everyday lives should speak testimonal for ourselves as Christians. I remember a sentence i read somewhere. It said "We should preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." At first, i did not understand it but then i realise what the sentence was saying is that people see you and your actions and behaviour and they should reflect God's holiness in you. That you should be an example of how a Christian should be.
I know i have fallen so short cos not everything i do is correct. I am far from perfect definitely. But i rejoice in the fact that i can acknowledge that i have fallen short and i want to do something about it. =) I want to live my life as an open book. If someone tells me i am a hyprocite or how i am this and how i am that, i totally welcome it! Sometimes i am blind to my own faults and sins and if someone points them out, whatever their intention, i should be grateful as i can reflect and see the errors of my ways. I know i have definitely a long way to go but i am starting!
I have backslided for the last 7 years and if there is anything i can learn from this time is that:
1. You have to go Church every week
2. You have to do QT, read God's word everyday
3. You have to go for every Cell Group
4. You have to pray everyday!
5. You have to be a testimonal to God each and everyday, be it at work, home or at play.
Yup, for the last 7 years, i did neither of the above! And it took God's great love for me to see how my lifestyle back then was totally wrong! Believe me when i tell u i had a hundred reasons for not doing the above! hee hee.
Previously i used to believe the following:
1. I can be a good Christian and not go Church regulary. Sunday, worship at home can le.
2. No need to go cell group lar...I already know about Jesus and God. Fellowship no need lar.
3. QT-have time then do lar. No time do tomorrow lor. Simple as that!
Well, I rejoice in the fact that i was able to see why it was all so wrong. I still stuggle at times but it has become a priority for me. I recall what my principal in Saint Andrew's always told us "Start the day right with God and the day will continue to be right!"
So, the fact is this is the priority of my life and i intend to make it so. My family comes next, then friends, then career and others. I guess not many people share my priority in life. Its not a MUST of course! Afterall, everyone is different but for me, its something i feel very strongly that i ought to do. My personal belief is that this is how i ought to live my life as Christian. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you"
I believe if you put God first, God who so loves us so much, will provide us with anything we need! If we humble ourselves before God, asking for His help and confessing we cannot do anything without Him, God will surely bless us and we will be able to do everything, for it is written "The meek shall inherit the earth."
So i guess it puts life into is perspective. Maybe that is why i say i am an oddball because when we become Christians, we do not see things like how the world sees it. Maybe my close friends are non Christians so they tend not to see things the way i see it. But i try not to judge and i know i shd never ever judge for it is written "Judge not lest ye be judged" So with my friends, i tend to be carefully not to say anything negative but if i have to say something, it should be out of love for them and not because i want to scold them or anything like that. =P Maybe i will have less friends? hahaha =P
Let me share something with you! I used to be like this when i was in Army! Yup! I was like how i am currently. So i keep asking myself how someone who believes this so much and so strongly can actually stop going Church, stop saying grace and stop praying for the last 7 years? Looking back, i cannot believe it myself. What happen? What the heck happened?
Well, bluntly put, i fallen waywards and let worldly things be more centred in my life than God! Yup, i dun know how but somehow, somewhere, i fell into temptation and without even realising it! Thus, you will know why i said it is only the Grace of God that i am brought back to the flock! The Shepard found this lost little sheep and carried this lost sheep on His shoulders back to the flock! Praise God! How can one not be lost in wonder? How can one not be lost in love? Its because of Jesus' unfailing love, i am forgiven! I am restored!
Praise God!
speak some sense to me as i was thinking how should i live my life too. Feeling anxious as age is catching up and see that lots of things are not in good shape and got to do something abt it.
Dun worry Den! I too am at the crossroads sometime.
Maybe you shd pray and ask God for direction. =) It helps u know. =)
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