Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Reflecting on life

Yes, yes, i am going to say it again. I cannot believe how time flies and its already 3 months more to Christmas! Goodness!

I dun blog as often as i do. Lazy perhaps or just not wanting to share my views and thoughts at times. Well, i do feel happy for Jac who is now a mother of a baby girl. My best friend is going to be a dad in like 2 weeks time. Lol!

My best friend and i met when we were 15 and we stayed best friends. Its a little difficult to describe the kind of bond we have. I sometimes dun see him for years and when we meet up, its as if we had just seen each other yesterday. Hee hee! I am glad he is going to be a dad cos then perhaps we have more things in common to talk about. Yes, we both support a team in Merseyside and we sing to the song "You will never walk alone."

Well, today my thoughts are with people who are unhappy with their work. My isn't exactly fantastic and i do get stressed sometimes. But i wonder why people get so unhappy with work?Is it the people? The job being too stressed? They are overworked? or do they get bored?

Well, i guess there really isn't a prefect job so i guess the term "work" or "job" should tell u that probably u are not going to like it but the irony is, this work or job is able to provide u with the other things that u love. hee hee! So, if u look at it, your job enables you to enjoy the other things in life. But all we do is complain about our work. Work is stressed, work is terrible, my boss is terrible...etc etc. But if without work, wouldn't we be unable to enjoy the things that we love to do?

Well, perhaps all it takes is a little perspective.

I remember taking the company bus to work one morning. The morning sun was just rising over the horizon and the first rays of sunlight was just breaking thru the early dawn. However, there were already a buzz as people were rushing off to work. I remember i was draggin my feet to work that day. As the bus made its way to the workplace, i tilted my head to the side of the bus and began to observe the surroundings. As i was looking aimlessly out of the window, i caught a glimpse of some Indian workers at the back of a lorry. As i looked at them, i realised that all of them had a blank look on their weary faces. Looking at them made me wonder what is going thru their minds as they sat there. We are only like metres away from each other at the traffic lights but yet our lives are so different.

They are probably miles away from home! They probably have not eaten a balanced diet nor slept well at all. They are in a strange land, with no friends and probably no dignity as well.

They are not exactly doing their dream job either and as they sit there at the back, they are not even sure what they are suppose to do today. They will probably find out when they reach their work place, wherever that is. I dun think they are thinking further than the day itself. In that moment, thru their eyes, they tell of many their life stories.

So, what is wrong with work again? Is it making your life so incomplete that it makes u so unhappy? Is not getting the things u want making u so miserable?

I am grateful for what God has given me. Yes, sometimes our work is bad or we are overloaded but i am sure i can ask anyone in the office and none would trade their current job with any of the Indians on that lorry.

Stop to smell the roses my friends. There is so much to life than letting work make u feel sad or letting your boss get u down and feeling depressed. I know of people that says that even sleep is a waste of time. These people insist we must be productive at all times, multitask at all times if possible. Well, I can only say that these people are absolutely right, from the worldly point of view. But we are not of this world now are we?

God has said that even the sparrows, who neither reap or sow, yet our Heavenly Father feeds it. How much more valuable are we as His children?

Why do u plan and plan for something so much that is causes u to be worried or let work weigh u down so much that u become so stressed? Can anyone add a second more to his life by worrying?

Instead, let me encourage that all of us seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you. God loves us and all we have to do is just commit our lives to Him and He will take care of us.

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matthew 7:9-11)

So give thanks and praise to God who loves us so much.

Praise the Lord!



At Wednesday, 19 September, 2007 , Blogger chitter-chatter said...

when i was studying social work, my professors educated us that there is a difference between presenting problems and underlying issues.

i'm not sure who these ppl around you at work who are unhappy with their work but those few i know who are unhappy are hardly solely because of work per se.

me inclusive, it's because of externalities that made us feel unsettled. these feelings are then manifested and displaced at work essentially becuase we spend 1/3 of our time in office. and ppl normally dont share about things close to their heart with their colleagues and since work is a safe topic to talk about at work, you will end up hearing them complaining about work when in actuality they are pulling their hair out because of personal issues.

so yes... is it solely about work? is the job too stressed? are we overworked? are we bored? are we too hard on ourselves? is it because it's not our dream job? maybe. but it's likely a combination of many other issues that snowballed.

maybe i'm speaking for myself only but work is really most of the time only the presenting problem.


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