May 09
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Many people still dun know God. Some are still searching but many really cannot care less. Some are not sure.
Its not surprising that many people do not know God. Many in the first place dun see the need to find Him. "What for?", they ask or "So what?"
The world is a fallen place. Its true. All of us are born with capability to do evil. Its our tendency to do evil rather than do good. Even when we are kids, we dun like to share the things. We want it all to ourselves. We are born of the world so we behave and act like the world. That is why we call it "worldly and spirtual views". Worldly views refer to things of the world while spirtual views refers to the views that are from God. So, as we are born of the world, we inheirt the worldly views. That is why the Bible tells us that everyone is borned a sinner because we are from the world. And the wages of sin is death.
But God created us in His image and He loves us because we are His creation. But because Adam and Eve has sinned from the beginning, we are all borned sinners. But God wants us to have eternal life. His plan was for us to live with Him. But Adam and Eve were tricked and ate from the tree of knowledge. Thus God drove them out of the Garden of Eden before they could eat the fruit from the tree of life and live forever.
But God sent Jesus 2000 years ago to redeem us from our sins. Before Jesus was borned, people sacrifice sheeps, rams and lambs as an atonement for their sin. The sacrifice of the lamb was for the sins of man and the priest normally does that so that God can forgive the people for their sins. However, Jesus came to be the lamb and He would be crucified so that the sins of all mankind will be taken away. Because Jesus paid the price for our sins, we do not have to pay the price for our sins. It has already been paid by the blood of Jesus, who died for our sins so that we will not need to die for our sins. God then said that since our sins have been washed away, all we have to do is to believe why Jesus came and we will have eternal life, which was what God had planned for us in the beginning.
So, why John 3:16 is so important because people who believe who Jesus says He is will be saved. Its that simple. Forgiveness has already been given to us. We do not have to earn it. Some religions emphasise that we have to do good and be a good person to attain eternal life. While this is good because people will receive the love and care, it differs from Christianity. We do good and become good because we already have received the eternal life. We are given eternal life because God loves us. Not because we are righteous or because we do good. We have eternal life because of the grace of God. Thus, no one can earn it. By being a vegeterian will not earn u eternal life. Neither will meditating and doing all the good things in the world earn u eternal life.
So, every religion in the world that teaches good looks the same on the surface. It has the same principles which is to love people, do good, be a nice person but yet there is a very very small yet very important difference. That difference is John 3:16. We have to acknowledge God sent his Son to die for our sins. Not believing in that means u reject the truth that God has saved u thru the blood of Jesus. So, if u reject that or dun believe in that, then u give up the gift that God wants to give you.
So, that is why Christians are very worried that people miss this small but yet vital information. No other religion talks about this. Only the Bible. No other religion says their God created the trees, birds, sky or people. Only the Bible. The enemy cannot deny this. So, what the enemy does is to omit or twist it. As long as no one in the world believes in Jesus, they can do all the good but they will never have eternal life. That is the objective of the enemy. The enemy hates us very much.
So as Christians, we struggle because we are both worldly but yet we know that spirtual view. Its a conflict that we face everyday. God tells us to love everyone, even your enemies but the world teaches us to eliminate all our enemies. God says we have to love our enemies but most of us would say "Kaoz, already dun like them, still must love them. I dun think so".
But Jesus tells us that even the evil people love their own kind. They will take care of their own evil people. So, if as Christians, we only love those we think are good and deserve to be love, then there is no difference from the evil people as well.
Many people will ask questions like "Can God make me rich? Will He give me happiness forever? Can He give me whatever i want in life? Can He make me successful?" Most of us today will only take an interest if God is able to do all that for them. If God cannot, then people turn away from him. They feel they got better things to do in life.
How many times have u read reports of people winning 4D because they went to pray to a tree or something. The next day, hundreds of people flock to that tree to offer prayers and offerings and asking for winning numbers. The reason is they believe that wealth is the answer to life. While everyone agrees it is good to be rich, it is supposed to be a result of God blessings on your life, rather than making it the objective of your life.
So, u will have to decide for yourself what is the meaning of life. I cannot decide or make u believe in anything that u are not willing or keen to believe in. hee hee! So, continue to keep searching.
Ask and it shall be given unto you.
Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door will be open unto you.
Praise God!
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