Monday, April 9, 2007

What is leadership?

Yup, what is leadership exactly? I am sure your managers or your superiors are leaders and they have authority over you. But often you hear people saying their superiors are lousy leaders.

Well, if u are reading this, means too bad, u gotta read what i want to say. Hahaha(dictator kind of leadership).

Anyway, let's first take a look at this whole follower-leader stuff. Before we can say our superior is a bad leader, we have to step back and look at the situation and more importantly, at ourselves? Ask yourself:

1. Have i done wrong? It is my fault? Even if partially.
2. Have i somehow repeatedly made a mistake?
3. Have i let my superior down?

I always look at myself whenever anyone is angry, upset or disappointed in me. Because i want to always make sure that if i felt i was unfairly treated, i want to be 100% sure no fault can be found in me.

When u have done all that, then this is what i define as a leader to me.

1. Someone who leads by example. Make sure you yourself can do it before expecting others to do. That will give you the right and the respect when u delegate work. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

2. Someone who leads by example and also understands why sometimes others cannot! That makes a great leader. You shd know that everyone is made different and if u have the grace to overlook and not hold grudges or judge those who are slower, less competent or weaker than you, then u have what it takes to be a great leader. UNDERSTANDING and COMPASSION.

3. Someone who takes the blame when things go wrong. A leader is someone who accepts responsibility when the team fails. When the team fails, a good leader sees it that he has failed, not the rest. Because when things go right, the leader is commended and given all the glory and honor so simialrly, when things fail, the leader takes all the blame. When commended, a leader always attributes them to the team and he sees it as a team effort. However, when being blamed or when things do not go well, he is never found to be saying things like "It's actually because of this person or that person's fault so that is why i also being misled. So, actually, if only he or she had done his or her role better etc." He doesn't look for others to blame but sees himself as the one who should take the responsibility. HONOUR

He is not decitful and not afraid to say he is wrong or admit it when things do go wrong. He is also truthful and honest and he doesn't hide behind excuses or give excuses like saying "You know i have a bad temper so you shd expect me to scream at you. You should expect that from me." Well, i think that is RUBBISH! If u know u have a bad temper, the more you shd be aware and not show it and the more you should keep checking yourself. HUMBLE and TRUTHFUL

4. A truly great leader knows the responsibility of everyone is in his hands! He understands the pressure of having so many people's lives in his hands and he has to take even greater care for them because everyone looks up to him. He knows he must care for them at all cost. LOVE.

I guess what i am saying is that i consider and respect someone who is a leader if he or she

1. Leads by example,
2. Is understanding and compassionate
3. Honourable
4. Humble and truthful
5. Has love for people

Jesus himself was an example of how a leader should be. If you insist on controlling those under your authority rather than serving them, you will sacrifice the joy of leadership on the altar of power.

To command is to serve, nothing more and nothing less.

Praise God!



At Tuesday, 10 April, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my aim is to be a creative director... if i'm still in the media and design industry tt is... can i?

At Tuesday, 10 April, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

great points! 98% bad boss?

At Tuesday, 10 April, 2007 , Blogger Tippy said...

Natadecoco: Err, i am not sure how that is a comment to my blog but sure, u can be a creative designer! With a little hard work, u might even be a famous one. hee hee! All the best!

Den: Yes girl. i do think we could have a better boss but how did u come up with 98%? hee hee! Thanks for your comments! =)


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