Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bus Journey

Everyone of us take the bus on different days, at different locations and at different times. We are all heading for the same destination that is why we are all on the same bus.

The journey on the bus can be smooth for some, could be a hard time for others. Of course, all of us hope to have a smooth and comfortable bus ride. So some of us board the bus quickly so we can get the best seats, the best views or even the best position to get down later.

Sometimes, during the long journey, we tend to forget that the most important thing, the reason we are on the bus in the first place, is to reach our destination and we sometimes are consumed by wanting to get the best seats or best view that we make it our top priority and we struggle, fight and push our way to get what we want. Some people spend their entire journey doing that and some miss their stop totally because they were so busy getting all they need to be comfortable on the busy journey. Some simply forget to get down when they should have and they missed their stop.

So, when u are on a bus, remember what is important is where u are going. If we reach there comfortably or uncomfortably, its only for the journey. The main thing is to get where u want to go and do not forget to get down the bus when u have reached your destination.


I am troubled but i dunno how to put in words my feelings. Its strange cos i always could.

I always could. But not today.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
